Gravity VR - Virtual Reality Game This is a game designed to experience the sensation of free falling in Virtual Reality. Users compete with their friends getting more points before reaching the end, avoiding the lasers and capturing points. This VR game is optimized for Android mobile phones and the use of Google [...]
Balls Off! – Unity 3D Arcade Game
admin2021-06-24T00:20:52-03:00Balls Off! – Unity 3D Arcade Game Balls Off is a simple arcade game mechanics that aims aims for fun and skills. Clear the color balls by pressing the correct color buttons at the bottom before they come crashing down. You need to clear the complete lowest row before clearing the next row. [...]
Poker Blitz – HTML5 Multiplayer Game
admin2021-05-12T21:44:33-03:00Poker Blitz - HTML5 Multiplayer game This is a multiplayer (turn based) web based game that includes an innovative way of playing poker (a mix of Bejeweled & Poker actually). Although the game is designed to run on a browser, this game is also iOS/Android compatible, since is entirely made on HTML5. The [...]
Preguntados – Trivia Game Platform
admin2021-02-21T23:13:20-03:00Preguntados - Trivia Game Platform Trivia Game Platform for Adults & Kids. Trivia Game was developed for the Argentine Government and it was used in several expos, both as a recreational and as an educational Game. The game itself is built as a framework and allows the administrator to create new categories, administer [...]
Fotorisas – Android Application Development
admin2021-02-21T20:46:52-03:00Fotorisas – Android Application Development Android Application Development focused on memes and funny images, updated daily. The development included a mobile client and a Backoffice system in order to manage the images served to the mobile client. The project also includes Facebook integration (Login/Registration and share to Facebook), Whatsapp and Android Share integration [...]
Golden Team Soccer
admin2021-05-02T23:59:57-03:00Golden Team Soccer Mobile (iOS & Android) Soccer game developed in Unity 3D - C#. The game includes different functionalities like campaign mode, multiplayer & rankings. The AI of the game was developed based on Behavior Trees. The development also included a custom backend and APIs developed in .NET Core & MSSQL server. [...]